June 24, 2016

Lead Battery Recycling Plants


Ecowair can supply a complete, environmentally free plant to crush, to wash and do the separation of the battery’s elements.
This capacity is due to the experience Ecowair’s technicians have in battery and in treatment of effluents. The lead battery recycling plants we produce are divided in three main sections. Each of these sections has its own sub-sections. The decision to install or not the 3 complete chapters and their relative sections, depends on where the lead battery recycling plant will be installed and which are the rules supposed to observe in order to have a safe environment and a safe work place. We are CE stricter rules complying in each department.

These the chapters:

We always suggest to think green and look to the future, in order to preserve the environment, the people, the materials and the water. Rules are becoming more and more stricter and the lead battery recycling plant cannot be stopped for “pollution”.

lead battery braker
lead battery braker
lead battery plant
lead battery plant